Thursday, October 9, 2008

Summer Vacation in Kroatia

This summer we went to Baska in Croatia (not for the first year...) Beautiful place with one of the nicest rock-beaches (not sharp) in Croatia.

The terrain around Baska is also beautiful and very nice for both hiking, running and both road- and mountainbiking. It's also good for rollerskiing Katka has discovered.

This was our first "bobil" vacation and considering we are beginners everything went fine. After a chilly first few days with unusually cold water  the weather turned around and we had 35 degrees for most of the time when we were there

For the last weekend we were there Jenn from Lithuania came to visit and took some of the pictures you can see here

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow... it's amazing how good of a photographer I am! ;)